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Forum » Metal » Kino, DVD, TV » V for Vendetta (2006)
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Posts: 4601
08.02.05, 15:14
V for Vendetta (2006)  Zitieren icon icon 30.10.05, 15:13


World War III has come and gone. In its wake, is left chaos. This chaos was quickly reigned-in by small insurgent groups who used fear, force and "faith" to subdue an entire nation, forging a new, "Greater" Britain. It is in this brave new world that V (Weaving), a mysterious, masked, swashbuckling figure, saves the young Evey Hammond (Portman) from unspeakable tortures, and takes her under his wing, into the Shadow Gallery; a world that may prove to be full of tortures of its own. All the while, bodies have been piling up within the ranks of the England's fairly new but powerful government. All the murders are connected, far deeper than any mere affiliation with any governmental branch. These killings are vastly encompassing, but acutely personal. It is a vendetta: In a totalitarian state, the government has the people convinced that a single "terrorist", V, would have them under siege. But V would stand to say that he is showing the people that they have been under siege by their government. V is out to avenge individuality, and reclaim freedom for the people, even at the expense of their happiness. We are all in prison, and he is "showing us the bars". The lines between hero and villain do not blur, but become frighteningly clear and you will become uneasy, at times, when you find yourself cheering for V. That is, anyway, if the film is anything like the graphic novel. Find out for yourself, and read the novel, by Alan Moore, first. "England Prevails", under one law or under chaos.

Na guck mal einer an... ne Comicverfilmung *jubel*... die 200ste in 5 Jahren? Kommt mir jedenfalls so vor!

Zum Glück scheint der "Held" dieser Geschichte keinerlei übermenschlichen Fähigkeiten zu haben, dafür erinnert er mich aber auch ziemlich Stark an Zorro...

Nunja, der Trailer verheisst eigentlich schon viel gutes, ein bösartiges "Naziähnliches" Regime, welches von einem einzigen Mann mit viel Gewalt und Terror zu Fall gebracht wird. Fein, fein. Und da das ganze auch nicht von Marvel (Sondern DC) ist, sollte eine gewisse Grunddüsterniss dem ganzen vorgeschrieben sein.

Wird auf jedenfall besser als Spiderman 17 und Daredevil 5 *gg*


Man kann den Joghurt erst aus der Ziege schütteln, wenn sie aus dem Ei geschlüpft ist!


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