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Resurgency - Death Metal - 439 Hits


Resurgency was consisted during August 2009 in Athens . In July 2010 the first Resurgency demo was recorded,entitled "Dark Revival" .
Around the beginning of 2011,the band had a split CD release that concluded the "Dark Revival" demo,spreading the word wider.
2012 followed with the release of the debut album "False Enlightenment ", that was a strong attempt to reach the lost chaotic realms of darkness,and to express the perverted mirroring of the truth
,through a chaotic dimensional filter of an anti-universe, madness,and blackened mindedness.

Mitglieder der Band
John - Vocals,
George K. - Guitar,
Tolis - Bass,
Panos - Guitar,
George T.- Drums


: Rezeption Collapse

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